Nachum welcomed Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University (YU) to the studio during this morning’s JM In the AM to discuss the YU Giving Day going on right now, Rabbi Berman’s first year as President and more. From the Giving Day website:
On April 25th – 26th, 2018, join the Yeshiva University community as we celebrate our second annual Giving Day to support the YU of tomorrow by raising $3 million from 3,000 donors in 24 hours.
Donations during this 24-hour period will be doubled!
All gifts will help fund the University’s undergraduate, graduate, and high school communities, as well as fund scholarships, student life activities and many other critical programs. Our students, faculty, staff and alumni comprise a powerful community rooted in Jewish values and committed to building a better world. They are YU’s heroes, but they can’t be super without you! #YUHero
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