Our Team

Nachum Segal
Host/Executive Producer/President
Nachum Segal
Host/Executive Producer/President

Nachum Segal has been host of "Jewish Moments in the Morning" (JM in the AM) since 1983. The program has grown from a local community radio show into the most influential global Jewish network available today, the Nachum Segal Network (NSN). 

NSN is committed to providing motivating, essential, and timely content to an international audience on a daily basis. The principles of its founder, Nachum Segal, guide the network and its staff by providing quality programming that appeals to a sophisticated and informed audience. NSN proudly features 24 hourcontent that is dedicated to family values, encourages a life committed to spiritual growth, and dedication to the Jewish people. 
NSN, founded and still based in New York City, continues to incorporate a local angle for a vast number of listeners who reside in the five boroughs of New York.
New York City features some of the most densely populated Jewish neighborhoods in the country, and NSN programming attracts major listenership in those areas and features stories, guests, and headlines that appeal and reach that population.

Miriam L. Wallach
General Manager/ Host: That’s Life
Miriam L. Wallach is the General Manager of the Nachum Se...

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Miriam L. Wallach
General Manager/ Host: That’s Life
Miriam L. Wallach is the General Manager of the Nachum Segal Network. She holds a M.S.ed. from the Bank Street College of Education and a M.A. in English from Brooklyn College.
After a successful career as a middle school English teacher, Miriam's career evolved and became media/broadcast driven, and she was hired by NSN in 2012. She hosts "That's Life" (Th, 10:30amET) and can be found on the Thursday "Live Lunch" (Th, 11amET) hosted by Nachum Segal.
Miriam and her husband are the proud parents of six children and live in Woodmere, N.Y.
Mark Zomick
Music Director, Host: The Erev Shabbos Show

Mark was born in good old New York City back in in the day. His first meeting with the JM extended f...

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Mark Zomick
Music Director, Host: The Erev Shabbos Show

Mark was born in good old New York City back in in the day. His first meeting with the JM extended family occurred before he was born as his parents lived in the same Washington Heights apartment as Rabbi & Shevy Yudin. His next encounter with the JM extended family was with Rabbi Zev Segal, Nachum’s father. As a close friend of Mark’s grandfather, Rabbi Segal was called upon to name Mark at his bris- perhaps that is why his Hebrew name is Nachum.

Following a short stint in the Heights, Mark’s family moved to Far Rockaway where he attended South Shore Yeshiva for a short time. Six years later the Zomicks moved to their current home in Teaneck, New Jersey. Mark and his sisters joined the ranks at The Yeshiva of Hudson County where he graduated in the top 95% of his class. After attending, TA then MTA then TMSTA (they kept changing the name) Mark went on to Yeshiva College where he became involved in as many student activities as time allowed. It is there that he met Robert Katz who, as WYUR Program Director, turned him down for his first radio show. Finally, Howard T Konig saw his talent and the rest is radio history.

Mark first met Nachum when they were both attending Camp Morasha and he substituted for the first time in 1986. On his first broadcast he discovered that the speakers in the studio go off when the microphone is on- perhaps that was why he didn’t hear the record skip while he was on the phone.

Mark spent 13 years at MediaVest Worldwide, one of the country’s largest purchasers of television commercial time. He worked in many capacities and concluded his stint there in the Strategic Resources Group.

In 2002 he was named the Comptroller at Main Event Caterers in Englewood and in 2004 he became Vice President; Director of Operations at Ariel Tours.

In 2006 Mark became COO of A&M Media, a magazine publisher. A&M’s flagship publication, Tu Tarjeta Y Màs, is distributed with pre-paid telephone cards.

Mark Zomick joined MEC in early 2008 for the purpose of integrating many of the data resources provided to AT&T and their analytics partners. He was charged with being interface between the media teams and Market Mix Modelers, consultants, optimizers and other AT&T clientele. Mr. Zomick was brought in based on his years of experience in the media planning, research, analytics and technology roles he has played throughout his career.

Since joining MEC, Mark has added the additional responsibility of managing the Competitive Research group. These roles have combined in a way to give him the unique opportunity to formulate MEC’s Database 2009 project. This project sees the implementation of a “unified” AT&T database that would include internal as well as competitive research. He now oversees a team of talented people whose responsibility it is to manage the agency’s Data Integration and Competitive Analytics practice. He was named a Managing Partner in 2011.

Mark lives in Teaneck with his wife Rachelle (Weinberg) and their children- Shoshana, Leora and Adam. They attend the Young Israel of Teaneck where Mark is a past President and current Vice President. He also serves on the Board of the Torah Academy of Bergen County.

Zalman Koppel
Chief Engineer


Zalman Koppel
Chief Engineer
Avrumi Finkelstein
Managing Director/ Engineer/ Host: Saturday Night Segal, Tuesday Live Lunch and Wednesday Live Lunch

Abraham Finkelstein, NSN Managing Director has been part of the NSN/working in Nachum Segal’s radi...

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Avrumi Finkelstein
Managing Director/ Engineer/ Host: Saturday Night Segal, Tuesday Live Lunch and Wednesday Live Lunch

Abraham Finkelstein, NSN Managing Director has been part of the NSN/working in Nachum Segal’s radio & internet world for just over 9 years. His bachelor’s degrees in philosophy and professional studies, as well as his masters degree in acupuncture have served well to enhance his behind the scenes role in a wide array of vital capacities. He also is the host of Saturday Night Segal, the weekly Saturday night program at the network and has been a regular go-to guest host whenever a situation requires.

Yoni Pollak
Director of Operations, Host: Bite Size, After Further Review

Yoni Pollak is a graduate of the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. A former co-host ...

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Yoni Pollak
Director of Operations, Host: Bite Size, After Further Review

Yoni Pollak is a graduate of the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. A former co-host on Yeshiva University's WYUR radio station, Yoni has a passion for radio and sports and hopes to one day find himself on the airwaves hosting his own sports show.

Mattes Weingast
Producer/ Host: JM Sunday/Guest Host: JM in the AM

Mattes has been associated with Jewish programming on WFMU longer than any current staff member, hav...

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Mattes Weingast
Producer/ Host: JM Sunday/Guest Host: JM in the AM

Mattes has been associated with Jewish programming on WFMU longer than any current staff member, having volunteered for the first of many marathons of the fledgling “Hebrew & Jewish Program” in 1978. During that marathon, the announcement was made that Mattes had recently served as the ceremonial “Mayor for a Day” in Elizabeth, NJ while attending the Jewish Educational Center. That piece of information has been repeated by Nachum more often than any other biographical fact of any staff member (or other historical figure) in the past 16 years.

Shortly after Nachum took over at WFMU, Mattes officially joined the staff. He took his “solo flight” at filling in for Nachum during one of the first marathons when Nachum decided to spend the morning sprawled out on the floor, having nearly fainted from a bout with the flu. This was not, however, Mattes’ first on air experience. He had been co-host of a WYUR radio show with Dave Kufeld and host of the Saturday night Jewish music show at WYUR during the 1978/79 season, while on his one year stint at Yeshiva University. Following his tenure at Rutgers/NJIT,Mattes alternately worked in the field of Jewish youth and computers.

Currently, Mattes is the Business Manager of the Passaic Public Library and lives in Elizabeth with his wife, Caryn, and their two boys, Aryeh and Eli.

Meir Weingarten, ob"m
Host: The Israel Show/ Guest Host: JM in the AM

The other JM “mayor”, Meir Weingarten is often confused with Mayer Fertig, a wonderful complimen...

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Meir Weingarten, ob"m
Host: The Israel Show/ Guest Host: JM in the AM

The other JM “mayor”, Meir Weingarten is often confused with Mayer Fertig, a wonderful compliment. He usually assures the mistaken listener that in fact he IS Mayer Fertig confusing the issue all the more so.

Meir was born at a very young age in Boro Park – a different Boro Park, not the one that is currently in Brooklyn. He attended Yeshivat Etz Chaim – of blessed memory, the first Religious Zionist Day School in America. Meir spent the six and seventh grade living in Jerusalem and studying at the Chorev Elementary School (which does still exist).

Upon graduation from Etz Chaim he was admitted to Chaim Berlin High School where he graduated four years later – although they have since disavowed all knowledge of his files.

After a year and a half of advanced Talmudic study at Yeshiva Emek Halacha, Meir ran off to Israel once again – this time spending six years at the Jerusalem College of Technology – Machon Lev where for a small fee he acquired a Bachelor¹s degree in computer sciences – something that will come in very handy years later when he will have to type this silly bio into a word processor. (By way of explanation Machon Lev is a College level educational institution in Jerusalem combining half a day of Yeshiva studies and half a day of university level studies in the applied sciences.) After graduating Machon Lev, and having no where else to go, Meir stayed on and volunteered his services as the executive assistant to the president of the college – Dr Yitzchak Nebenzahl, who had spent the previous twenty years as State Comptroller of the State of Israel.

Upon his return to the States Meir joined the family business – Ariel Tours – a wholesale tour operator specializing in travel to Israel. To this very day this continues to be Meir¹s preverbal “day job”. As business was slow Meir had to keep himself occupied with other activities. In 1985 he founded the Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush. For 8 years Meir served as the shul President, Gabai and the guy who cuts the cake for kiddush.

In 1990 together with Yitzchak, Yossi and Boaz Goldshmid he (co)founded the singing group Kol Achai which he continues to produce and manage till today — and for as long as the three Israeli¹s who are much bigger than he is, have  patience to put up with him.

In 1989 Meir met Nachum Segal and together they began a ground breaking friendship. In 1989 they took their first of many trips to Israel together, broadcasting live from Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day. Since then Meir has co-hosted and co-produced the very popular annual special programs on Tu- B¹shvat, Yom Haaztmaut and Yom Yerushalayim. He has also been an invaluable force in the fund raising efforts of JM in the AM. In 1997 he joined Mattes, Mark, Robert and that other Meyer (who spells his name all wrong) as a substitute host.

In 2012 Meir debut as the host of the Israel Show.

Meir’s passions are anything to do with Israel especially politics, Jewish Music and collecting butterflies.

Michael Fragin
Host: Spin Class


Michael Fragin
Host: Spin Class
Naomi Nachman
Host: Table for Two

Naomi Nachman, who hails from Sydney, Australia, has appeared in her own TV specials on the Jewish L...

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Naomi Nachman
Host: Table for Two

Naomi Nachman, who hails from Sydney, Australia, has appeared in her own TV specials on the Jewish Life TV network featuring her cooking demonstrations. She has also been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, a cooking CD and a variety of newspaper articles covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. Naomi is also a contributing editor to The Jewish Home Newspaper writing weekly articles and recipes. Naomi now hosts her own radio show on The Nachum Segal Network, called “Table for Two with Naomi Nachman”. The show airs on Friday mornings at 9am and is rebroadcast at 2pm on Tuesdays.

Approximately 21 years ago, Naomi moved from Australia to attend Touro College where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in Education. After teaching pre-school and directing day camps for nearly 10 years, Naomi began teaching cooking classes — as cooking has always been her passion. In 2004, Naomi started her own Personal Chef business, The Aussie Gourmet, to cater weekly and Shabbat/Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities.

Naomi has also been sought after to teach cooking classes throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area (from Scarsdale to Boro Park, Manhattan to Teaneck, the Hamptons and Connecticut… and of course, The Five Towns). She has also taught classes in Florida, Australia and Israel.

In the Summer of 2007, Naomi started a culinary arts program at Camp Dina (Dora Golding for girls) and, as it was enthusiastically received by all, has been invited back each summer since.

Naomi debuted as the host of Table for Two in January 2013.

Naomi currently lives in Woodmere, NY with her husband and 4 daughters.

Charlie Harary
Host: Unlocking Greatness

Charlie Harary is a prolific speaker who has traveled all over the country and abroad speaking for ...

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Charlie Harary
Host: Unlocking Greatness

Charlie Harary is a prolific speaker who has traveled all over the country and abroad speaking for organizations, schools, universities and institutions on a variety of topics and to audiences of various sizes and affiliations. He has created dozens of videos that have received worldwide attention reaching hundreds of thousands of people in over 15 countries.

Mr. Harary is Founder and Partner of H3 & Company, an advisory and investment company based in New York. Mr. Harary is a Clinical Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Syms School of Business in Yeshiva University. He is also a Senior Lecturer for the Orthodox Union, Aish Hatorah and NCSY. Prior to H3 & Company, Mr. Harary was the First Vice President of Residential Operations and Legal Counsel of RXR Realty, a multi-billion dollar Real Estate Company based in New York.

Prior to RXR, Mr. Harary was an associate in Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison and Davis Polk & Wardwell. He received his J.D. from Columbia Law School where he was awarded the James Kent Scholar and the Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar. In addition, he is an active community leader. He is the founder and president of Milvado Inc., an organization that develops innovative methods to teach spirituality in relevant and modern ways.

He is a member of the Executive Board of the OU as well as the Founding Chairman of its Young Leadership Cabinet. He is also a member of the Conference of Young Jewish Presidents. Charlie began hosting The Book of Life on the Nachum Segal Network in 2012.

Elliot Weiselberg
Host: Court Report

Considered by many to be a modern-day expert on Yeshiva-League sports, Elliot Weiselberg’s show, ...

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Elliot Weiselberg
Host: Court Report

Considered by many to be a modern-day expert on Yeshiva-League sports, Elliot Weiselberg’s show, “The Court Report” focuses on the weekly goings-on in the Yeshiva League, highlighting the accomplishments of the over 700 student-athletes that participate in a sport on a yearly basis. Elliot, an attorney, also serves as coach for teams in three different age groups in the Yeshiva Hockey League. He is a graduate of Brooklyn Law School, as well as New York University, where he graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Sciences degree from NYU’s Sports Management program. Elliot’s media work includes editing for YLSRadio.com, blogging and administrating for JewishHoopsAmerica.com and reporting as the voice of the JM in the AM Sports Report. He also serves as the creator and organizer for the annual Martin Weiselberg Memorial Tournament. Elliot currently resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Allison Josephs
Host: Jew in the City Speaks

Allison Josephs is the founder and director of Je...

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Allison Josephs
Host: Jew in the City Speaks

Allison Josephs is the founder and director of Jew in the City and is the Partner in Torah mentor to actress Mayim Bialik.  She was named one of NJOP’s “Top Ten Jewish Influencers in 2012 and was one of the Jewish Week’s 36 under 36 in 2013. Allison has been quoted or written about in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Daily Beast, Huffington Post, and Yahoo News. Allison has appeared on numerous television and radio networks including CBS, TLC, The Hallmark Channel, Associate Press TV, and NPR; her articles have appeared in numerous publications including the anthology Like Water on a Rock, The Washington Times, The Jewish Press, and The Forward. She has also written articles and directed and produced videos for Aish.com and lectures around the country and on Web Yeshiva. She received her Bachelor in Arts from Columbia University in Philosophy and lives with her husband and four children minutes from the George Washington Bridge. Visit the Jew in the City website HERE.

Jake Novak
Host: Novak Now

Jake Novak is recognized as a leading independent thinker in the American news media. For almost 25 ...

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Jake Novak
Host: Novak Now

Jake Novak is recognized as a leading independent thinker in the American news media. For almost 25 years, Jake has been producing and creating successful TV news programs, including the Varney and Company show with Stuart Varney on FOX Business, Jack Cafferty's In the Money program on CNN, and revamping NY1 News All Morning with Pat Kiernan. Most recently, Jake headed up the Kudlow Report on CNBC with former CNBC anchor and current White House Chief Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow,

As an editorial columnist, Jake became the #1 read author on CNBC.com and gained national attention in early 2016 when he predicted and explained why Donald Trump would win the presidential election.

Jake also writes extensively on Israel and Jewish issues.

Novak is a graduate of the Yeshivah of Flatbush, has a bachelor's degree in political science from Columbia University, and a master's degree from Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism.

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