Nachum interviewed Director/Producer Jonathan Gruber about "Centered: Joe Lieberman," Jonathan's new documentary about Senator Joe Lieberman, ob"m. From the film website: Centered: Joe Lieberman Centered…
Read moreNachum Segal Network
Nachum interviewed Director/Producer Jonathan Gruber about "Centered: Joe Lieberman," Jonathan's new documentary about Senator Joe Lieberman, ob"m. From the film website: Centered: Joe Lieberman Centered…
Read moreRabbi Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shomrei Torah in Fairlawn, New Jersey, called in to JM in the AM to discuss parshas Ki Sisa…
Read moreNachum welcomed David Cutler, Executive Director of NCSY Summer, back to JM in the AM for the exciting drawing of the NCSY Summer Purim Raffle.…
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