Nachum welcomed Miriam Fuld, wife of Jewish hero Ari Fuld, z”l, to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the vital and holy work of the Ari Fuld Project. You can visit the Israel at War Emergency Campaign by clicking HERE.
About The Ari Fuld Project
During the Second Lebanon War, Ari Fuld, who served in an elite IDF reserves paratrooper unit was miraculously saved from death – only because he ran into the field of fire to rescue his fellow wounded soldiers and brought them to safety.
After that life-changing moment, Ari completely rededicated his life to defending Israel and the Jewish people, helping IDF soldiers, and teaching others about the beauty and depths of Judaism.
On September 16, 2018, 7 Tishrei 5779, Ari was murdered by an Arab terrorist.
The Ari Fuld Project was established to continue the mission that Ari began and that Ari never gave up trying to complete, even with his dying breath.