Yigal spoke with Director of Pre Aliyah, Marc Rosenberg about the recent uptick in singles and young professionals making Aliyah. Marc shared his views about Aliyah education in North America and other aspects of recent Aliyah trends. EPISODE #30 Listen Now! Homeward Bound, hosted by Yigal Segal, is a show dedicated to providing our listeners… Read more
The Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Fairs are coming!! Yigal spoke with Marc Rosenberg, Director of Pre Aliyah for Nefesh B'Nefesh all about the Aliyah Fairs happening during the week of March 2-10 and why it is such a great idea to attend an Aliyah Fair near you. EPISODE #17 Listen Now! Homeward Bound, hosted by Yigal… Read more