In observance of Yom HaZikaron, Nachum welcomed Cheryl Mandel to this morning’s JM in the AM to talk about her son Daniel, ob”m, a 24 year-old Lieutenant in the IDF who was killed by Hamas terrorists while leading his troops into Shechem just 36 hours before Pesach in 2003. On this important day we remember Daniel and our other heroic brothers and sisters of the IDF who have lost their lives defending the Jewish people, as well as our Holy brothers and sisters who have been victims of terrorist attacks. Cheryl travels the world speaking publicly about her beloved son and the significance of his life and death, inspiring communities around the globe. The One Family Fund (, Israel’s premier organization that supports and rehabilitates victims of terror and bereaved families in Israel, has brought Cheryl to the United States to share her perspective and the story of her son Daniel.
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