Nachum welcomed filmmaker Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov to this morning’s JM in the AM to put the spotlight on her important documentary, “Operation Wedding.” From the film website: “It started as a fantasy, Operation Wedding, as outrageous as it was simple: Under the disguise of a trip to a local family wedding, the hijackers would buy every ticket on a small 12-seater plane, so there would be no passengers but them, no innocents in harm’s way. The group’s pilot, who once flew for the Red Army, would take over the controls and fly the 16 runaways into the sky, over the Soviet border, on to Sweden, bound for Israel…” Nachum and Anat discussed how the film was created, how her parents Sylva & Edward responded and what was it like to film in the KGB prison were her mother was before the trial. Visit the Operation Wedding website HERE.
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