Continuing our focus on mental health awareness month with Ohel, Nachum welcomed Raizel Keilson, LCSW, program supervisor and clinical social worker/therapist in Ohel’s Tikvah Clinic, to this morning’s JM in the AM to speak about how counseling can help very young children, babies, toddlers, and school-age children. They discussed how small children (toddlers, preschoolers, school age children) can benefit from therapy; what signs parents can look for; what does therapy for preschool or school age children look like. Nachum also reminded the listeners about Ohel’s upcoming events: The Spring Classic (June 17, Fresh Meadow Country Club, Lake Success, NY), Young Professionals event: Kickoff to Summer (June 23, Royal Palms Shuffleboard in Brooklyn, NY), and the Women’s Pirkei Avot Brunch, Learn and Paint (June 23, Lawrence NY).
Ohel’s Therapeutic Work with Children Featured with Raizel Keilson on JM in the AM
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