Continuing our focus on mental health awareness month with Ohel, Nachum welcomed Raizel Keilson, LCSW, program supervisor and clinical social worker/therapist in Ohel’s Tikvah Clinic, to this morning’s JM in the AM to speak about how counseling can help very young children, babies, toddlers, and school-age children. They discussed how small children (toddlers, preschoolers, school age children) can benefit from therapy; what signs parents can look for; what does therapy for preschool or school age children look like. Nachum also reminded the listeners about Ohel’s upcoming events: The Spring Classic (June 17, Fresh Meadow Country Club, Lake Success, NY), Young Professionals event: Kickoff to Summer (June 23, Royal Palms Shuffleboard in Brooklyn, NY), and the Women’s Pirkei Avot Brunch, Learn and Paint (June 23, Lawrence NY).
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