JM in the AM 9-Days Format has begun. The bulk of the programming consists of the fascinating lectures by renowned Jewish historian, Rabbi Berel Wein. Every day Nachum presents different lectures from Rabbi Wein’s vast catalog, covering a wide array of topics including Jewish values, Jewish Ethics, historical figures, the Land of Israel and more. We thank Rabbi Wein and encourage everyone to visit his website for more information on acquiring his lectures. Below are links to this week’s episodes of JM in the AM. Please click on the player and enjoy. Visit Rabbi Wein’s website HERE.
- 07/16/2021:
- 07/15/2021:
- 07/14/2021:
- 07/13/2021:
- 07/12/2021, also featuring Rabbi Zev Segal’s, ob”m, eulogy for the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt’l: