In anticipation of this year’s Kosher Halftime Show, coming up this Sunday, February 4, Nachum and the NSN team continue their visit in Israel this week to work with the key players and make sure everything is coming together for an amazing production. Based at the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem, NSN’s regular headquarters when we visit Jerusalem, Nachum presented the second JM in the AM of the week, featuring several special guests, including the Inbal’s very own General Manager, Rony Timsit. Click the links below to hear the individual interviews and make sure to spread the word that the 2018 NSN Kosher Halftime Show is less than a week away!
Nachum’s interview with The Inbal General Manager Rony Timsit | Nachum’s interview with from Nira Rabinowitz from Ateret Cohanim | Nachum’s interview with Danelle Rubin, Vice President of PR and Marketing for AMIT Israel | Nachum’s interview with Scott Feltman from ONE Israel Fund
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