Nachum interviewed Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, who called in live for the latest Weekly Update. Nachum and Malcolm began this week’s Update with a brief recap of Sunday’s Celebrate Israel Parade, and how important it is to publicly show support for Israel. Nachum asked Malcolm to talk about the great work of Senator Frank Lautenberg ob”m in light of his recent passing; emphasizing his dedication to Israel and the Soviet Jewry movement. They covered a number of other timely issues including: the upcoming mayoral race in New York, the expected rally at the Kotel this Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, the new Chairman of the Conference of Presidents, an information leak about a missile site in Israel this week, the upcoming Iranian election, Susan Rice being appointed National Security Adviser, this week’s news that American’s phone calls are being monitored by the government, and much more.