Purim is a mere few days away and the Jewish world is abuzz with the recent release of an innovative new feature film that is based on the history of the Purim Holiday. Entitled Megillas Lester, this new Kol-Rom Multimedia production takes Jewish film entertainment into the 21st century in an exciting and family-friendly way. Nachum welcomed Chananya Kramer to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the film and how this phenomenal project came together. “Megillas Lester is a full-length animated feature film depicting the fictional story of Doniel Lesterovitch (Lester); a boy whose imagination turns the Purim story upside down. Suddenly finding himself at the feast of King Achashverosh, Lester is ordered to summon queen Vashti to the party…and he inadvertently convinces her to go! With Vashti alive and well, Esther never needs to come to the palace – and that leaves nobody to save the Jews from evil Haman! Follow Lester’s thrilling adventure as he tries to set his version of the Purim story back on track…” Megillas Lester is available online and at your local Judaica stores, so go out and get a copy today!
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