Nachum welcomed NSN Political Correspondent Michael Fragin to this morning’s JM in the AM to highlight the vital work of the Achiezer organization and to discuss the latest political news. This year’s Achiezer Dinner is coming up on Sunday, February 26 and Nachum wanted to get Michael’s perspective on the organization and the highly anticipated upcoming event. From Achiezer’s website: “Achiezer was established in 2009 at the behest of local rabbinic and community leaders who saw a need for change. These visionaries dreamed of creating one master organization, which would completely remove the burden of crisis management from the shoulders of shocked and distressed victims. They dreamed of an organization that would be there for the entire community—at any time, for any difficulty, large or small. Achiezer is a unique organization, which combines the strengths of all existing communal resources along with its own formidable capabilities. Achiezer spearheads and coordinates the many different aspects involved in assisting individuals and families confronted by challenges, from start to finish.” You can hear more of Michael’s political perspective on NSN’s Spin Class which airs Thursday morning’s at 9:30 a.m. (ET)
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