Nachum welcomed Adina Lichtman to JM in the AM on this Mitzvah Day to highlight her incredible organization, “Knock Knock Give a Sock” (KKGS). From the KKGS website: “Knock Knock, Give a Sock is an organization that collects the most needed, but least donated article of clothing for those experiencing homelessness: socks. While many people donate clothing, 9 out of every 10 people have donated clothing have never donated a pair of socks. On top of that, most organizations do not accept gently used socks, but at KKGS – we do! Our partners and volunteers collect socks through drives and sometimes, by quite literally knocking on the doors of their colleagues, classmates, and neighbors. In addition to collecting socks for those in need, KKGS aims to reduce the stigma associated with homelessness. Through our Meet Your Neighbors Dinners and the Hakook Team, KKGS attempts to bring together those who are and are not experiencing homelessness in order to encourage discussions and ultimately dissipate the stigma.”
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