With Tu BeShvat coming up next week, Nachum welcomed Yitzchok Saftlas, Mrs. Shoshana Moskowitz, Rabbi Elisha Klausner and Mrs. Frayda Leah Falik to this morning’s JM in the AM to put the spotlight on the Chicago Chesed Fund’s (CCF) Shas for Shidduchim National Campaign. From the campaign page: “On Tu BeShvat (Wednesday, January 31, 2018), hundreds of lomdim will embark on a 24-hour quest to complete shas for the zchus of helping Klal Yisroel’s singles find their basherts. All proceeds will be donated exclusively for the mitzvah of hachnosas kallah, helping ease the financial burden for kallahs.” From the Chicago Chesed Fund website: “The Chicago Chesed Fund is a nonprofit organization committed to helping families in crisis throughout the Chicagoland area. It provides critical assistance in the form of goods, services and financial support in an environment, and through programming, that maintains the dignity and integrity of each and every recipient.” Visit the Shas for Shidduchim page HERE.
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