Nachum welcomed Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal, Executive Director of Israel’s Lema’an Achai organization to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss Lema’an Achai and to preview their participation in the Jerusalem Marathon. From Lema’an Achai’s website:Founded in the year 2000 by a group of concerned citizens, Lema’an Achai is rooted in Judaism’s communal responsibility towards charity and chesed.
Lema’an Achai empowers, rather than entitles. By providing the less fortunate with the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty, we bring them through, then out of, crisis. Our unique approach–Smart Chesed–facilitates growth leading towards self-sufficiency.” With Team Lema’an Achai, the organization aims to gain support for their important efforts by having people sponsor runners in the Jerusalem Marathon. To find out more, visit Lema’an Achai’s website HERE.
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