Nachum welcomed Helen Freedman, Executive Director of Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the upcoming protest against the Metropolitan Opera’s staging of the provocation piece “The Death of Klinghoffer.” AFSI was founded in 1970 as an American counterpart to the Land of Israel Movement, asserting Israel’s historic, religious, and legal rights to the land re-gained in the 1967 war. AFSI has argued consistently that a strong, territorially defensible Israel is essential to U.S. and global security interests in the region, and that the “two-state solution,” would endanger the world, while bringing the dissolution of Israel.The first of what should be many protests against it will be on Monday, Sept 22, starting at 4:30 p.m, at the Metropolitan Opera, which is nestled in the Lincoln Center Complex, at Broadway and West 65th Street in New York City. To contact AFSI call 212 828 2424 or email
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