In anticipation of Shavuos, coming up this Saturday night, Nachum welcomed author Aryeh Pinchas Strickoff to this morning’s JM in the AM to explore his fascinating new book, “Inside Akdamus and Yetziv Pisgam.” From the books Amazon page: “For generations, Akdamus ignited hearts, strengthened resolve, empowered a people. Yet its complex wording makes this stirring Shavuos piyut enigmatic to the contemporary ear. It s a treasure just beyond our grasp.
Finally, there is a key! In this groundbreaking sefer, Aryeh Pinchas Strickoff, author of the popular Inside Chanukah and Inside Purim, unlocks the beauty and profundity of Akdamus. Far more than a literal translation, the text includes a detailed, straightforward and elegant elucidation as well as meticulously researched background and insights. You’ll feel as though the paytan, Rabi Meir Shatz, is speaking directly to you. First doors open, then worlds open.
Akdamus stirs the soul as it delves into Hashem’s indescribable greatness, conveys the depth of our relationship with Him when we withstand the derision of the nations, and reveals the astonishing reward awaiting those faithful to His Word.
Partnered with a similar treatment of Yetziv Pisgam for the second day of Yom Tov, this eternally relevant sefer will transform your Shavuos and enrich your life.”
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