Nachum welcomed Rabbi Shlomo Weissman, Director of Beth Din of America, to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the Halachic Prenup.
From the Beth Din website: “The Beth Din of America was founded in 1960 by the Rabbinical Council of America. In 1994, the Beth Din became an autonomous organization, headed by an independent board of directors. The organization is overseen by its rabbinic leadership, headed by an Av Beth Din and Segan Av Beth Din, and a board of directors composed by lay and rabbinic leaders.
Since its inception over fifty years ago, the Beth Din of America has been recognized as one of the nation’s pre-eminent rabbinic courts. It serves the Jewish community of North America as a forum for arbitrating disputes through the din torah process, obtaining Jewish divorces, and confirming Jewish personal status issues.
Firmly anchored in the principles of halacha (Jewish law), the Beth Din has earned a reputation for conducting its affairs with confidentiality, competence, fairness, and integrity. It provides a modern forum that interfaces effectively with contemporary society in a professional, efficient, and user-friendly manner. The Beth Din has thereby earned the confidence of Jews across the ideological spectrum.
The Beth Din is funded by a combination of fees for services, private donations, and support by communal endowments and institutions. Whenever the Beth Din acts as a neutral in a dispute among parties, the Beth Din discloses to the parties all known potential conflicts of interest.”
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