Nachum welcomed Pastor Bob Roberts of the Global Faith Forum to JM in the AM to thank him for his support of Israel and to discuss the Christian attitude toward Israel.
Dr. Bob Roberts, Jr. is the founding and Senior Pastor of NorthWood Church, a multiplying church near Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. He is the author of Transformation, Glocalization, The Multiplying Church, Real Time Connection: How To Use Your Job To Change The World, Bold as Love and Lessons from the East. He is a leading practitioner and writer on glocal—global and local—transformation of individuals, religious organizations, communities and global engagement. He has penned articles for both religious and secular publications. Roberts’ experience has resulted in his being called upon by a global audience, including, but not limited to the United Nations as well as the US Islamic World Forum, among others.
Some countries Bob has worked in with Christians, Muslims and followers of other faiths include, but are not limited to, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Egypt, West Bank, Israel, Iraq, Kuwait, and Iran.
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