Nachum welcomed Rabbi Daniel Rosenfeld to this morning’s JM in the AM to preview The leKedoshim Project. “This coming Yom Hazikaron (the evening of April 30, 2017), The LeKedoshim Project aims to learn the entire Talmud Bavli (2,711 pages). The learning is in memory of the people that have died al kiddush Hashem in defense of Eretz Yisrael and by acts of terror. The leKedoshim Project strives to bring together all the Jewish people through our learning. Everyone is invited to participate! The leKedoshim Project is an initiative of the residents of Yad Binyamin, a community in Israel. The project is supported by the Rav of Yad Binyamin, Rav Yigal Hadaya, Rabbi Daniel Rosenfeld, Dayan and Rav, and other community rabbis. They initiated the project to emphasize the importance of Yom HaZikaron in memory of soldiers who perished in Israel’s wars and victims of terror. They hope that the project will speak to all Jewish people, both in Israel and the Diaspora, regardless of their religious or political views.”
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