Nachum welcomed Yochi Herzog to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the topic of helping Hungarian Jewry before Pesach.
From the Lativ website:
LATIV Budapest ( urgently need to raise funds to allow their students and families – YOUR JEWISH BROTHERS & SISTERS – to have enough kosher food supplies for the Passover festival this year.
Tax Deductible donations can be made in most countries – CLICK HERE to see the options.
Due to the Covid19 global pandemic, Rabbi Keleti hasn’t been able to make his usual international trips to raise these much needed funds. Lativ also need to clear bills from this year’s Purim Seuda (see video) that was joyfully held in the building of the Orthodox congregation in Budapest.
THE LAST COUPLE TO REMAIN IN KERESTIR ARE LATIV STUDENTS, so please submit your names with any donation and they will daven and place a kvittel at the Kever of the holy REB SHAYALA of KERESTIR zt”l on the day of segulah of Erev Pesach. Tefillos can be for Health, Parnassah, and all personal requests.
What is unbelievable to note, is that the students of Lativ have demanded they continue with their shiurim and lessons online, and Rabbi Keleti and his team have ensured to make this happen – even planned for Chol Hamoed when shiurim don’t usually take place.
Funds are also needed to cover the recent over subscribed Shabbaton that recently took place at the Duna Relax & Event Hotel in the town of Rackeve, ~45km south of Budapest, on the banks of the Danube. The guest lecturers were Rabbi Professor Avraham Steinberg shlita and Rabbi Yitzchak Botton shlita from Ohr Sameach in Jerusalem.
Wishing you and your families a safe, healthy, happy and Kosher Pesach.
Thank you for your support!
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