DIRSHU is a worldwide movement whose raison d’etre is to encourage and reinforce Torah amongst those learning in yeshivos and kollelim, as well as ba’alei batim.
FOUNDED 18 years ago by HaRav Dovid Hofstedter, Dirshu today has many different programs which have attracted over 100,000 current participants, from all walks of life, throughout the world.
THE MOVEMENT has been phenomenally successful in meeting its goals of giving chizuk to all who wish to attain the discipline needed to acquire and internalize the knowledge of Torah.
THROUGH CONSTANT REVIEW, test-taking and stipends, Dirshu members retain their learning. This kinyan HaTorah is accompanied by a tremendous sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, which in itself provides additional incentives to acquire yet more yedias HaTorah.
Dirshu’s daily Mishnah Berurah and mussar program enables anyone, by investing about 30 minutes a day, to become knowledgeable in practical everyday halacha while absorbing a daily dose of mussar and hashkafa.
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