Nachum welcomed Professor Linda Allen, board member, American Friends of Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), Lev Academic Center, to this morning’s JM in the AM for a JCT update and Gala Dinner preview. From the JCT website: “The American Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology’s mission is to provide critical financial resources to the JCT so that the institution can enable diverse segments of Israeli society to become educated, productive members of Israel’s work force. JCT’s goal is to prepare students to enter Israel’s industrialized high tech and scientific communities and encourage them to make innovative contributions and advancements to Israeli society and build Israeli industry. The American Friends also recruits students for JCT’s International Program, providing young men with the opportunity to combine learning at their preferred Yeshiva with a day and a half (Tuesdays and Fridays) of studies towards degree in Business Administration.”
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