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    6:00 A.M.
    JM in the AM
    Host: Nachum Segal,
    Featuring: NCSY's David Cutler for the exciting drawing of the NCSY Summer Purim Raffle, great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.
    Click here for the daily JM in the AM playlists.
    9:00 A.M.
    Unlocking Greatness
    Host: Charlie Harary,
    Featuring: Charlie discusses the topics of "The power of pause" and Purim.

    10:00 A.M.
    Jew in the City Speaks
    Host: Allison Josephs,
    Featuring: This week we encore Allison's interview with Moshe Grunfeld, photographer, make-up artist and proprietor of

    10:30 A.M.
    That's Life
    Host: Miriam L. Wallach,
    Featuring: Miriam's favorite Purim songs.

    11:00 A.M.
    Thursday Live Lunch
    Host: Yossi Zweig,
    Featuring: Great Jewish music.

    1:00 P.M.
    Throwback Thursday
    Featuring: JM in the AM Purim Celebration from 2015 hosted by Meir Weingarten, ob"m.

    4:00 P.M.
    JM Rewind Encore
    Host: Nachum Segal,
    Featuring: Nachum's interviews with cookbook author Danielle Renov, singer-songwriter Yissachar Dror and YU Macs Head Coach Elliot Steinmetz.

    6:30 P.M.
    The Kosher Terroir
    Host: Solomon Simon Jacob,
    Featuring: Simon discusses the unique nature of this year's Purim/Erev Shabbat concurrence and more.

    7:00 P.M.
    The Erev Shabbos Show
    Host: Mark Zomick,
    Featuring: Great Jewish music sponsored by our friends at Kedem.
    10:00 P.M.
    Tani Talks Parsha
    Host: Tani Guterman,
    Featuring: A brief discussion about the Torah portion of the week
    12:00 A.M.
    JM in the AM Encore
    Host: Nachum Segal,
    Featuring: NCSY's David Cutler for the exciting drawing of the NCSY Summer Purim Raffle, great Jewish music, the latest news from Israel and Morning Chizuk with Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser.

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    Tune in to NSN

    You can listen to JM in the AM w/Nachum Segal from 6-9 a.m. ET each weekday on the great NSN App and here on our website.

    You can also listen on your smartphone: iPhone or Android are available.

    Or You can dial in to our listener line: 716.805.6885

    The Nachum Segal Stream is now online and is always free! See the Stream Schedule below and stream great Jewish radio all day / everyday.

    Check out the Nachum Segal Network archives of all of our great programming here.

    Get the JM in the AM app. Listen on your phone or mobile device!

    If you have an iPhone, try our app by going to the iPhone app store. Click this link to be directed to the Nachum Segal Network App page on iTunes. You can also get it by going to iTunes and searching for "Jewish Music Nachum Segal App". For Android visit the Google play store with this link. With the app you can now listen to and download all show archives!

    Click here for the JM in the AM archive page.

    Stream / Archive Problems?

    Don't forget, please contact us with any problems or questions you have with our stream. If the signal goes out, or anything weird or unusual happens with our stream, please tell us! When you write, please specify which stream or archive you are having trouble with. Please include the address of the page that you are trying to launch the stream or archive from, and also let us know the name and version of the audio player you are using. You can reach us by going to the Contact Us page or by sending inquiries to

    • It took one dreamer, acting on a sad opportunity, joined by teams of caring and creative people to showcase the humanity that we used to display all the time. And we didn't fix the world. But for a few hours, as our candles of dedication burned, we publicized the power of humanity, goodness, and community.

      President Richard Joel, Yeshiva University
      Excerpt from "Times Of Israel," December 12, 2015, in response to "Let There Be Light: The Concert for Jewish Unity
    • It took one dreamer, acting on a sad opportunity, joined by teams of caring and creative people to showcase the humanity that we used to display all the time. And we didn't fix the world. But for a few hours, as our candles of dedication burned, we publicized the power of humanity, goodness, and community.

      President Richard Joel, Yeshiva University
      Excerpt from "Times Of Israel," December 12, 2015, in response to "Let There Be Light: The Concert for Jewish Unity
    • It took one dreamer, acting on a sad opportunity, joined by teams of caring and creative people to showcase the humanity that we used to display all the time. And we didn't fix the world. But for a few hours, as our candles of dedication burned, we publicized the power of humanity, goodness, and community.

      President Richard Joel, Yeshiva University
      Excerpt from "Times Of Israel," December 12, 2015, in response to "Let There Be Light: The Concert for Jewish Unity