Nachum welcomed Yitzchok Saftlas, President of Bottom Line Marketing Group to this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss Dirshu and to get a preview of their first siyum of their daf hayomi b’halacha, the amazing culmination of the first cycle of world-wide daily learning of halacha via the Mishna Berurah. Leading up to the big siyum, taking place in the end of March, Dirshu has various events going on including a historic trip to the city of Radin, to the kever/gravesite of the Chofeitz Chaim, the author of the Mishna Berurah. In addition, The Dirshu delegation will place a “Sefer Gibborim” at the kever of the Chofetz Chaim where it will remain in perpetuity. Dirshu is a Torah Learning organization which is structured in a way that enables participants to properly internalize what they have learned in a way that they can remember it. The program provides learning schedules and guidance to help participants with their learning. Subsequently they provide testing to encourage review of the material. For more information please contact Dirshu at or 888-5-DIRSHU ext. 141.
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