Bite Size with Yoni Pollak

Bite Size 03 17 2021
- Bite Size 03 17 2021Episode 142: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 02 03 2021Episode 141: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 01 20 2021Episode 140: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 01 06 2021Episode 139: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 12 02 2020"Bite Size 12 02 2020".
- Bite Size 11 11 2020Episode 137: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 11 04 2020Episode 136: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 10 28 2020Episode 135: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 10 21 2020Episode 134: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 06 10 2020Episode 133: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 06 03 2020Episode 132: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 05 27 2020Episode 131: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 05 20 2020Episode 130: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 03 04 2020Episode 129: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Marla Gamoram of Skilled Volunteers for Israel
- Bite Size 02 26 2020Episode 128: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Nina from Paint Party Events Israel
- Bite Size 02 19 2020Episode 127: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 02 12 2020Episode 126: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Jewish basketball star Tamir Goodman
- Bite Size 01 29 2020Episode 125: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Ori Noam and Nitzan Rosenberg from the MARS - Augmented Reality Experience at the Tower of David
- Bite Size 01 15 2020Episode 124: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Ronny Hollander Mollate one of the founders of the Hollander Distillery in Israel
- Bite Size 01 01 2020Episode 123: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Yaniv Levy, Marketing Manager of Kikar Hamusica
- Bite Size 12 18 2019Episode 122: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews DJ Raphi Nathan
- Bite Size 12 11 2019Episode 121: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Rochelle Reshner from
- Bite Size 11 27 2019Episode 120: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Oren Hasson, CEO of the The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin
- Bite Size 11 20 2019Episode 119: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Hillel Smith, curator of the recent Jewish Street Art Festival in Jerusalem
- Bite Size 11 13 2019Episode 118: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Orly Wahba, founder of "Life Vest Inside"
- Bite Size 11 06 2019Episode 117: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Atara Weiss about the "ALYN Wheels of Love" bike ride
- Bite Size 10 30 2019Episode 116: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Rose Geenasar, Director of Development and International Relations at the Tower of David
- Bite Size 09 25 2019Episode 115: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 09 18 2019Episode 114: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 09 11 2019Episode 113: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 06 19 2019Episode 111: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews "The Zoo Rabbi," Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin, Founder and Director of The Biblical Museum of Natural History
- Bite Size 06 12 2019Episode 110: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Yael Aisenthal from about her amazing Graffiti Tours
- Bite Size 06 05 2019Episode 109: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson
- Bite Size 05 29 2019Episode 108: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Eyal Sher, Director of the Israel Festival and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Mordecai Holtz of Blue Thread Marketing and ITravel Jerusalem
- Bite Size 05 22 2019Episode 107: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Capella music
- Bite Size 05 08 2019Episode 106: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Chantal Belzberg from One Family Together and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Aliza Knecht
- Bite Size 05 01 2019Episode 105: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Yona Kobo, Project Coordinator at Yad Vashem and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Shoshana Goldist of IKonnect
- Bite Size 04 17 2019Episode 104: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Tamar Pearlman of Tamarim Concierge
- Bite Size 04 10 2019Episode 103: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Judy Singer from Matnat Chaim
- Bite Size 04 03 2019Episode 102: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Dr. Shimon Lev, curator at The Tower of David Museum and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews author Rabbi Joshua Gerstein
- Bite Size 03 27 2019Episode 101: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson interviews Nir Gad, VP of Big Idea and Tova in Israel's Tova Heller interviews Devorah Katz from Pat BaMelach
- Bite Size 03 20 2019Episode 100: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, "Tova in Israel's" Tova Heller is joined by the "High Energy Mom," Yocheved Pianko Feinerman to discuss "Go with Yo"
- Bite Size 03 13 2019Episode 99: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, "Fun in Jerusalem's" Joanna Shebson interviews marathoner Bidi Deutch with Hadassa Pardes re: the Jerusalem Marathon; "Tova in Israel's" Tova Heller is joined by Jeremy Gimpel, host of Israel Inspired
- Bite Size 02 27 2019Episode 98: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson of Fun in Jerusalem interviews Sarah Tuttle Singer & Laura Ben David of Jewish Speakers Bureau and Tova in Israel interviews Avigayle Adler of The Open Studio in Jerusalem
- Bite Size 02 20 2019Episode 97: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Merav Oren about Jerusalem's Ice Eat Festival
- Bite Size 02 13 2019Episode 96: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova Heller's of TOVA Talks interview with Cindy Wiesel, coordinator of Camp Dror
- Bite Size 02 06 2019Episode 95: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Dr. Mom, Yael Schuster and Tova in Israel's interview with Tzippy Goldstein of "The Hot Spot"
- Bite Size 01 23 2019Episode 94: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Noam Bedein of the Dead Sea Revival Project
- Bite Size 01 16 2019Episode 93: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Yuval Klein from the Windmill Complex
- Bite Size 01 09 2019Episode 92: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Daniel Salaho of Yvel Jewelry
- Bite Size 12 26 2018Episode 91: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson with Comedy for Koby's Avi Liberman
- Bite Size 12 19 2018Episode 90: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 12 12 2018Episode 89: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 12 05 2018Episode 88: Yoni Pollak presents great Chanukah music and Tova in Israel's interview with Michael Miller, guide from the Temple Mount Foundation
- Bite Size 11 28 2018Episode 87: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 11 21 2018Episode 86: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Avigayle Adler, Founder and Director of Israel's "Open Studio"
- Bite Size 11 14 2018Episode 85: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Barbara Shaw of Barbara Shaw Gifts of the German Colony in Jerusalem
- Bite Size 11 07 2018Episode 84: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Annie Hersowitz and Shai Ben Ami of the Israel Aquarium and Tova in Israel's interview with Israel Advocate Ben Goldstein
- Bite Size 10 31 2018Episode 83: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Tali Tarlow, founder of Israel Scaventures and Tova in Israel's interview with Josh Hasten
- Bite Size 10 24 2018Episode 82: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Chain Wizman, Director of Special Activities at ALYN and Tova in Israel's interview with Miriam Lottner
- Bite Size 10 17 2018Episode 81: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Avidov Bernstein of Quiche Catering in Jerusalem and Tova in Israel's interview with Elana Abelow Kronenberg
- Bite Size 10 10 2018Episode 80: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Tova in Israel's interview with Ari Fuld ob"m and Joanna Shebson's interview with Zvi Gleish of Hershele Gallery
- Bite Size 09 05 2018Episode 79: Season 7 Premiere: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova Knecht's interview with Yehuda Goldberg and Rabbi Shlomo Chayen of Torah Tech
- Bite Size 07 11 2018Episode 78: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Capella and Staci Segal in a new segment called "Budding Bosses," wherein Staci interviews Bracha and Rachelli Rosenthal
- Bite Size 06 27 2018Episode 77: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Jerusalem's Tourism Director Ilanit Melchior and Tourism Product Development Manager Yamit Simchovitz and Tova Knecht's interview with Tali Weisinger, creator of Adventures of Avital
- Bite Size 06 20 2018Episode 76: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interviews w/ Caroline Shapiro from The Tower of David and Alen Kacal Jbo of the Jerusalem Bird Observatory; and Tova Knecht's interview with journalist/photographer Laura Ben-David
- Bite Size 06 13 2018Episode 75: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music Joanna Shebson's interview with Mimi Laufer of City of David and Tova Knecht's interview with Rochelle Gilbert from Never 2 Late
- Bite Size 06 06 2018Episode 74: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Shahar Schwartz, owner of Perfuniq and Tova Knecht's interview with marriage therapist/relationship coach Micki Lavin-Pell
- Bite Size 05 30 2018Episode 73: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Tova Knecht's interview with Adena Mark of A to Z Events Israel and Joanna Shebson's interview with Devora Katz of Pat Bamelach
- Bite Size 05 23 2018Episode 72: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Tova Knecht's interview with singer songwriter and recent olah Chanelle Fellig-Harrel and Joanna Shebson's interview with Dov Rabinowitz of All Star Sports Camp
- Bite Size 05 16 2018Episode 71: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Fun in Jerusalem's Joanna Shebson's interview with Shira from JClay and Tova Knecht's interview with Josh Edelshtein from Paramount Paint
- Bite Size 05 09 2018Episode 70: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova Knecht's interview with Jodi Samuels from JICNY (Jewish International Connection of New York)
- Bite Size 05 02 2018Episode 69: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Cappella and Tova Knecht's interview with Rena Glazer, Director of Development for Takum
- Bite Size 04 25 2018Episode 68: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Cappella
- Bite Size 04 18 2018Episode 67: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Capella and Joanna Shebson's interview with Bonnie Holzberg Rosenbaum of the Lone Soldier Center
- Bite Size 04 11 2018Episode 66: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Michal Shahaf Shneiderman from "Koolulam"
- Bite Size 03 28 2018Episode 65: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Tova Hametz from First Station
- Bite Size 03 21 2018Episode 64: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with RD Rubin of The Shabbat Collection
- Bite Size 03 14 2018Episode 63: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Dr. Ian Stern of Israel's "Dig for a Day"
- Bite Size 03 07 2018Episode 62: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Caroline Shapiro, PR Director for the Tower of David
- Bite Size 02 28 2018Episode 61: Yoni Pollak presents great Purim music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Yigal Greyeff of Lenagen Bekef Music Camp
- Bite Size 02 21 2018Episode 60: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with a representative from The Wine Temple in Israel
- Bite Size 02 14 2018Episode 59: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Dotan Tamir, founder and CEO at Israel's BIG IDEA Tech Camps
- Bite Size 02 07 2018Episode 58: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Debbie Kandel of Restaurant Club Jerusalem
- Bite Size 01 24 2018Episode 57: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 01 17 2018Episode 56: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music
- Bite Size 01 10 2018Episode 55: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music, Joanna Shebson's interview with Isaac Levy of Yvel Jewelry and Tova Knecht's interview with motivational speaker Tzippy Lieberman
- Bite Size 01 03 2018Episode 54: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview with Tamir Goodman, founder of Zone190 and Basketball In Jerusalem
- Bite Size 12 27 2017Episode 53: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Joanna Shebson's interview about Kibbutz Tzuba
- Bite Size 12 20 2017Episode 52: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music and Tova Knecht's interview with Moe Mernick, author of "The Gift of Stuttering: Confronting Life's Challenges"
- Bite Size 12 13 2017Episode 51: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Michael Berl of the Beit Hillel Theater at Hebrew University and Leora Zomick's interview with Shira Lankin Sheps, founder of the Layers Project
- Bite Size 12 06 2017Episode 50: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with glass blowing master Yael Vloch and Tova Knecht's interview with Rachi Hain, founder of Merkaz Panim
- Bite Size 11 29 2017Episode 49: Yoni Pollak presents lots of great Jewish music
- Bite Size 11 22 2017Episode 48: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Israeli sofer Moshe Braun and Tova Knecht's interview with Miriam Gottlieb, Donor Relations Manager for the Hesder Yeshiva of Sderot
- Bite Size 11 15 2017Episode 47: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Lewis Weinger of Villa Herodion and Tova Knecht's with Shai Jaskoll of Unites Hatzalah of Israel
- Bite Size 11 08 2017Episode 46: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Debbie Kali of Saba's Little Museum and Tova Knecht's interview with Naava Shafner of ImaKadima
- Bite Size 11 01 2017Episode 45: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Manny Waks and lots of great Jewish music
- Bite Size 10 25 2017Episode 44: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with IDF veteran and public speaker Leibel Mangel, plus lots of great Jewish music
- Bite Size 10 18 2017Episode 43: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with David Kramer, author of "United Nation" and lots of great Jewish music
- Bite Size 09 27 2017Episode 42: Yoni Pollak presents a Yomim Noraim themed edition of Bite Size
- Bite Size 09 13 2017Episode 41: Yoni Pollak starts Season 6 with fresh music and a motivational video leading up to Rosh Hashanah
- Bite Size 07 05 2017Episode 40: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with representatives from Holy Simcha Entertainment
- Bite Size 06 28 2017Episode 39: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Chef Zissie and Joanna Shebson's interview with David from Desert Camping Israel
- Bite Size 06 21 2017Episode 38: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Rabbi Dan Marans from the Zomet Institute about the Zomet Experience - "Halachic Science Center" and Tova Knecht's interview with Ari Kalker, one of the founders of the Lone Soldier Center
- Bite Size 06 14 2017Episode 37: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Rachel Wagner Rosenzweig of Made in JLM and Joanna Shebson's interview with Rabbi Dr. David Rosenson, CEO of Beit Avi Chai
- Bite Size 06 07 2017Episode 36: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Hillel Fuld and great Jewish music
- Bite Size 05 24 2017Episode 35: Yoni Pollak presents lots of great Israel and Yerushalayim-centric songs in honor of Yom Yerushalayim
- Bite Size 05 17 2017Episode 34: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Rav Ephraim Holtzberg of Simcha Hall and Tova Knecht's interview with Eliyokim Cohen, founder of
- Bite Size 05 10 2017Episode 33: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with her husband’s grandparents (Holocaust survivors) Bubba and Zaida Kertzfeld and Joanna Shebson's interview with Simone Katz, CMO of Jerusalem U
- Bite Size 05 03 2017Episode 32: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish A Cappella and Tova Knecht's interview with Eytan Morgenstern, an Oleh from Alabama
- Bite Size 04 26 2017Episode 31: Yoni Pollak presents Leora Zomick's interview with Nahal Talasazan of Give With Words and Tova Knecht's interview with Nachman Solomon from the Solomon Brothers
- Bite Size 04 19 2017Episode 30: Yoni Pollak presents great Jewish music for Isru Chag
- Bite Size 04 05 2017"Bite Size 04 05 2017".
- Bite Size 03 29 2017Episode 28: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Rabbi Dov Lipman and Joanna Shebson's interview with Daniel Laufer of Let's Bench
- Bite Size 03 22 2017Episode 27: Yoni Pollak interviews Team Israel superfan Zack Raab and he presents Tova Knecht's interview with Nachum Wasosky of Geerz
- Bite Size 03 15 2017Episode 26: Yoni Pollak presents Leora Zomick's interview with author Aviv Harkov and Tova Knecht's interview with Lizzie Noach, Community Relations Coordinator for the Lone Soldier Center
- Bite Size 03 08 2017Episode 25: Yoni Pollak presents great Purim music, Joanna Shebson's interview with volunteers from Yad Sarah and Tova Knecht's interview with Gabi Nachmani and Rena Glazer of Tenufa Bakehila
- Bite Size 03 01 2017Episode 24: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Jason Gardner of Isrotel, Tova Knecht's interview with Ari Fuld of Standing Together and Leora Zomick's interview with the Aussie Gourmet, Naomi Nachman
- Bite Size 02 22 2017Episode 23: Yoni Pollak presents Leora Zomick's interview with Jenna Bazelon of FrumGirlProblems and Tova Knecht's interview with Tzvi Maller of Crave restaurant in Machane Yehudah
- Bite Size 02 15 2017Episode 22: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Rachel Moore of Hub Etzion and he gets interviewed by his father, Mr. Pollak
- Bite Size 02 08 2017Episode 21: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Eitan Freilich and Elisha Levy and Joanna Shebson's interview with Sharon Feifer of Kav L'Noar
- Bite Size 02 01 2017Episode 20: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Fran Cohn from Team Shalva and Tova Knecht's interview with David Sussman on his incredible story about how he ended up in Israel.
- Bite Size 01 25 2017Episode 19: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Adi Isaacs, founder/Director of Thrive at Hebrew University. Also, Yoni plays all his favorite music on a Winter Break edition of Bite Size
- Bite Size 01 18 2017Episode 18: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Marcella van de Bovenkamp to discuss her incredible story. Yoni interviews Josh Zeid, a pitcher for Team Israel, about their recent trip to Israel and much more
- Bite Size 01 11 2017Episode 17: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Dr. Naomi Grumet from the Eden Center and Tova Knecht's interview with Menachem Traxler from Pantry Packers.
- Bite Size 01 04 2017Episode 16: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Dr. Shmuel Harris of Machon Dvir and Josh Hasten's interview with Caroline Glick about the UN Resolution against Israel
- Bite Size 12 28 2016Episode 15: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Nina Brenner of Paint Party Events. Also, Yoni's favorite Chanukah songs and a Chanukah themed Four to the Door with Miriam L. Wallach and Jamie Turkel.
- Bite Size 12 21 2016Episode 14: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interviews with Mandy Broder of The Workshop in Gush Etzion and Tova Knecht's interview with Ashley Perry of Reconectar
- Bite Size 12 14 2016Episode 13: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Eli Poch from Jerusalem Wine Club and Joanna Shebson's interview with Devorah Katz from Pat Bamelach
- Bite Size 12 07 2016Episode 12: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Shelley Brinn from Tour Adumim about tourism in the Maale Adumim area. Also, Tova Knecht's interview with Erik Claster who is aiming to be the first Israeli in an arctic dog sledding race
- Bite Size 11 30 2016Episode 11: Yoni Pollak presents Tova Knecht's interview with Sacha Gorelik of The Sabra Patch and Nachum Segal's interview with Ben Zion Shenker, ob"m, prior to the release of his Hallel V'Zimrah CD
- Bite Size 11 23 2016Episode 10: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview with Tali Tarlow of Israel ScaVentures, Leora Zomick's Shabbos Project experience and Tova Knecht's interview with Avi Abelow
- Bite Size 11 16 2016Featuring: A preview of NSN's trip to Venice with producer, Mark Zomick. Tova Knecht interviews the latest Facebook sensation "Yonina" and Leora Zomick talks about last week's Challah Bake
- Bite Size 11 09 2016Episode 8: Yoni Pollak presents Joanna Shebson's interview about the new aquarium being built in Israel, his own interview with Yoni Levine about his NYC Marathon experience and Tova Knecht's interview about great tourist attractions in Israel
- Bite Size 11 02 2016Episode 7: Yoni Pollak presents Mayer Fertig's interview with his son who eats from his etrog, and Tova Knecht's interview with Tamir Goodman about being a Jewish athlete and his move to Israel
- Bite Size 10 26 2016Episode 6: Yoni Pollak discusses his holiday experiences in New York and plays his favorite songs from the last month
- Bite Size 10 05 2016Episode 5: Yoni Pollak presents some of his favorite Yomim Noraim/High Holidays musical selections
- Bite Size 09 28 2016Episode 4: Yoni Pollak presents some of his favorite Rosh Hashana music selections. Also, Joanna Shebson joins the show to talk with Rabbi Slifkin and Chef Moshe Basson about an exotic dinner at the Biblical Museum in October.
- Bite Size 09 21 2016Episode 3: Yoni Pollak focuses on setting and achieving goals in preparation for Rosh Hashanah and the coming year
- Bite Size 09 14 2016Episode 2: Yoni Pollak shares Leora Zomick's interviews from Kids of Courage's trip in Dallas and Sammy Schaechter's interviews recapping four counselor's experiences at four different camps in 2015
- Bite Size 09 07 2016Episode 1: Yoni Pollak presents Jordan B. Gorfinkel previewing the upcoming Jewish Comic Con
Airs Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. (ET)