Nachum welcomed Nathan Diament, Executive Director of the OU Advocacy Center, to this morning’s JM in the AM to emphasize the importance of everyone getting involved to urge Congress to repeal the tax on houses of worship & other nonprofits. From the OU Advocacy website: “The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Congress passed in December was intended to cut taxes and simplify the tax code. But it also includes a provision that for the first time compels nonprofits, ranging from synagogues and other houses of worship to religious day schools, to pay an array of new taxes and creates a host of compliance costs. These unexpected financial burdens could threaten the survival of many institutions already struggling to keep their doors open.
The little-known changes to the Internal Revenue Code include requiring nonprofits to pay federal and possibly state income taxes as well as taxes for having parking lots and providing transit subsidies to employees. The new provision, in effect, nullifies an institution’s nonprofit status.
The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center is fully committed to working to have this unprecedented tax law repealed. OU Advocacy is among those leading a coalition of many faith community and nonprofit sector organizations in opposition to the expansion of this tax.
In recent weeks, we have held and led meetings with key officials at The White House as well as key Senators and U.S. Representatives.
Take action now and urge your U.S. Representative and Senators to vote for H.R. 6460 and S. 3317 to repeal this untenable new provision in the tax law that unnecessarily punishes religious institutions and charities.”
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Avrumi Finkelstein